The teaching activity of NDC aims at ensuring a modern multinational and multidisciplinary education and a correct assimilation of the national and international defence.
The main mission of the National Defence College is to create an environment suited for tackling the various aspects of the security landscape by a coprehensive approach of the topics of greatest interest and importance for Romania.
The educational process at the National Defense College is carried out in compliance with the Romanian educational legislation and with the specific regulations of the Ministry of National Defense. Also, the course curriculum is correlated with the specific training taking place in other similar institutions in NATO, EU or in the member states of these organizations. The study disciplines at the National Defense College are: Geopolitics, geostrategy and international relations, Public policies and good governance, Strategic leadership and organizational communication, Security strategies and doctrines, Geoeconomics; Strategic and security studies, Geopolitics and geostrategy, Security policies, Crisis management, negotiation and conflict in international relations, Fundamentals of military science; Security strategies and doctrines, Geopolitics and geostrategy, Security policies, Organizational leadership, Non-military dimensions of security.
Course types
The National Defense College organizes postgraduate training programs for lifelong professional education in the field of national security and defense, which aim to achieve a better knowledge of the field of international relations and security studies, as follows:
- postgraduate program "Security and good governance";
- postgraduate program "Current issues of national security";
- postgraduate program "National security policies and strategies".Admission to the courses organized by the National Defense College is contest-based, within the approved places. The admission contest for the programs "Current issues of national security" and "National security policies and strategies" consists in the preparation and presentation by the candidates of a paper / essay, based on the recommended topics and bibliography and related to Romania’s national security in the present geopolitical, geostrategic and geoeconomic context.
Postgraduate programs are organized in the form of full-time education, and attendance is mandatory.
„Security And Good Governance”
This postgraduate program is addressed to the officers of the financial-accounting management service, to the officers from specialized services - military justice, medical sector, journalism, public relations and internal audit who hold the rank of colonel and to civilian personalities (ministers, state secretaries, deputies, senators, ambassadors, prefects).
The general objective of the program is for graduates to apply highly efficient methodologies for analyzing the contemporary social and military phenomena and to frame realistic proposals for the use of security structures in situations of peace, crisis, conflict.
The objective expressed in the professional competencies and learning outcomes to be acquired by each person following the postgraduate program is the following: to identify and propose regional security solutions with an impact on Romania's development, to propose concrete ways of using power sources and tools in order to achieve the national interests and to preserve the values and principles of the National Defense Strategy, to propose norms and principles of organizational evaluation according to the requirements imposed by the evolution of the Romanian society correlated with the dynamics of the international security environment.
Course duration: 14 weeks, the activities take place daily, from Monday to Friday, between 08-14.00.
Number of credits granted: 35
Admission to the postgraduate program is contest-based, and consists in the presentation by the candidates of a paper / essay related to Romania’s national security in the present geopolitical, geostrategic and geoeconomic context.
„Current Issues Of National Security”
The postgraduate program is addressed to officers in positions ranked as colonel / similar, as well as to civilian experts, who hold or will hold senior management positions.
The general objective of the program is for graduates to use national and international security methods of analysis in order to identify security solutions with a positive impact on Romania's development.
The specific objectives expressed in the professional competencies and the learning outcomes to be acquired by each graduate are: to use the main styles of strategic leadership, aiming at their impact on the management of international crises; to use diplomatic and intelligence resources in the national interest; to apply efficient methodologies for the analysis of the military phenomenon and to formulate realistic proposals for the use of military and security structures in specific situations.
Duration of the course: 24 weeks (the activities within the course take place daily, from Monday to Friday, between 08.00 - 14.00).
Number of credits granted: 50.
Admission to the postgraduate program is contest-based, and consists in the presentation by the candidates of a paper / essay related to Romania’s national security in the present geopolitical, geostrategic and geoeconomic context.
„National Security Policies And Strategies"
The postgraduate program is addressed to military (officers) and civilians.
The general objective of the program is for graduates to understand the methods of analysis of national security policies and to use them to enunciate proposals for the use of institutions with responsibilities in the field of security and defense, in situations generated by various crises.
The specific objectives of the postgraduate program, expressed in professional skills and learning outcomes to be acquired by any person graduating the postgraduate program, are: to know and understand the levels of functionality of an organization in general and of one intended to ensure security, in particular; to know, understand and apply the main leadership styles and to decipher their impact on national security.
Duration of the course: 12 weeks (the activities take place daily, from Monday to Friday, between 08.00-14.00).
Number of credits granted: 25.
Admission to the postgraduate program is contest-based, and consists in the presentation by the candidates of a paper / essay related to Romania’s national security in the present geopolitical, geostrategic and geoeconomic context.