Scientific Research
Scientific Session "Romania In The New Context Of International Security" - 2016
The conference "Strategies XXI" is representative of the academic and scientific background of the National Defense University "Carol I" by the high level of published papers, but also by the diversity of topics and their timeliness. In this context, the National Defense College initiated, since January 2016, the organization of a scientific session in order to create a favorable environment for debating current issues of national and international security.
Scientific Conference "Romania In The New Context Of International Security" - 2017
On May 30, 2017, the National Defense College in the National Defense University "Carol I" organized the second edition of the International Scientific Conference "Romania in the new context of international security".
The scientific event, held under the auspices of STRATEGY XXI, provided an adequate academic framework for the exchange of ideas, the expression of opinions and the communication of the latest research results in the fields: security studies, defense policies and strategic leadership.
The event brought together prominent personalities from academia, university teachers, scientific researchers and specialists from the country and abroad, military and civilian experts, students and trainees, as well as representatives of international institutions.
The event was organized in collaboration with the Foundation of the National Defense College and with the Romanian Cultural Institute.
Scientific Communications Section "Romania Centenary" - 2018
The National Defense College, organized the conference "ROMANIA-CENTENNIAL", on the occasion of FLAG DAY, to mark through specific scientific research activities the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Great Union.
The conference was organized in three sections that centralized the scientific approaches under the following titles:
1. December 1, 1918 - 100 years since the creation of the Unitary National State;
2. Romania in the system of International Relations one hundred years after the Great Union;
3. The dynamics of national and international security in the year of the Centenary of Romania.
Scientific Communications Session "Romania And The New Dynamics Of Power In International Relations" - 2019
The National Defense College, organized the conference "Romania and the new dynamics of power in international relations", on the occasion of the National Flag Day.
The conference was organized in three sections that centralized the scientific approaches under the following titles:
1. Security - between challenges and opportunities;
2. Good governance and strategic leadership: thinking, action and influence in international politics.
3. The future of international security: expectations and outcomes.
Scientific Communication Session "Romania And The New Dynamics Of Power In International Relations" - 2020
The National Defense College organized on the occasion of the National Flag Day, the international scientific conference STRATEGY XXI with the theme "Romania and the new dynamics of power in international relations".
Within the National Defense University "Carol I", Bucharest, The National Defense College organized the international conference "Romania and the new dynamics of International Security" - scientific event which has reached its sixth edition and is part of the series of conferences STRATEGIES XXI. The activity was dedicated to the day of the National Flag of Romania and, therefore, the academician Răzvan THEODORESCU, vice-president of the Romanian Academy, presented the history of the flag.
Lieutenant General Daniel PETRESCU - The Chief of Defense Staff, stated in the opening of the activity that this debate is particularly relevant now, shortly after the June summits.
The rector of the National Defense University "Carol I", brigadier general Dorin Corneliu PLEȘCAN, declared opened the proceedings of the event.
The conference was attended by a large number of experts in national security. We were honored to welcome here: Mr. Ștefan DĂNILĂ - retired general, military pilot, former Chief of Defense Staff and state counselor at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Romania; dr. Petrișor PEIU from the University Politehnica of Bucharest, former advisor to two prime ministers of Romania; Professor Radu CARP - head of the Department of Public Policy, International Relations and Security Studies from the University of Bucharest and Professor Mircea COȘEA, former Minister of Economy in Romania. We add, in no particular order, mr. ambassador Dumitru PREDA and general (ret.) Marius OPRAN.
We were also privileged that various foreign guests accepted our invitation to participate in virtual format, with very timely and in-depth presentations: Mr. Robert Evan ELLIS - professor at the US Army War College Strategic Studies Institute; Professor Vakhtang MAISAIA - professor at Caucasus International University in Georgia; Ioannis NOMIKOS - director of the Research Institute for European and American Studies and head of the Department of International Relations, History and Politics at Webster University in Athens and Mr. Leszek SYKULSKI - associate professor at the Department of National Security at the University of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski, former security advisor of the President of Poland.
The sessions were also attended by the course members of the National Defense College, participants in the program “Current Issues of National Security”, who had the opportunity to research and debate the topics presented, together with recognized specialists in the field.
The discussions addressed broad subjects, arising from the new geopolitical, geoeconomic and geostrategic realities as well as from the evolutions and implications of the health crisis present throughout the world during the last year.
The event is a tradition at “Carol I” NDU and, in addition to bringing together experts from various countries, the conference academically addresses national, regional and even global issues and disseminates results of the research in a wide variety of environments.
Thank you to all participants!
We are also thanking the National Military Museum "King Ferdinand I" for the special exhibition offered on this occasion.