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National Defence College
The decision taken in 1992 by the Ministry of National Defence to set up the National Defence College – a western idea – enjoyed from the very beginning a wide appreciation. Using as a source of inspiration the similar institutions in the NATO –member countries, the Romanian NDC establishment intended to respond to a double need. On one hand, after 1989 the Ministry of National Defence wanted a correct understanding by Romanian public opinion of the features specific to security and national defence problems. On the other hand, the civil society and the new political class needed to be educated in order to get access to a domain till then forbidden for study, debate and understanding.
The establishment of the National Defence College was perceived by the civil society as a major contribution to the integration of the military institution into the social and political system of the state.
Hotărâre nr. 438 din 5 august 1992 privind înfiinţarea, în cadrul Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, a Colegiului Naţional de Apărare
Publicat în Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 198 din 13 august 1992, Guvernul României hotărăşte:
Art. 1. - Incepind cu anul 1992 se organizeaza si functioneaza, in cadrul Academiei de Inalte Studii Militare, Colegiul National de Aparare, cu durata de 6 luni, subordonat ministrului apararii nationale.
Art. 2. - La cursurile Colegiului National de Aparare se pot inscrie personalitati civile si militare, absolventi ai institutelor de invatamint superior civil sau militar, care ocupa sau pot ocupa, in perspectiva, functii de conducere si decizie in domeniile politicii de securitate si aparare nationala.
Art. 3. - Studiile in cadrul Colegiului National de Aparare sint echivalente cursurilor postuniversitare din invatamintul civil si postacademice din invatamintul militar.
Cursul se incheie prin sustinerea unei lucrari personale, iar absolventilor li se acorda diplome.
Art. 4. - Cheltuielile de pregatire vor fi suportate din bugetul Ministerului Apararii Nationale.
Ministerele si celelalte organe ale administratiei publice centrale, partidele si formatiunile politice, fundatiile culturale si stiintifice, precum si institutiile care trimit cursanti pot sponsoriza activitatile de documentare ale membrilor Colegiului National de Aparare, in tara si in strainatate.
Since its establishment, the National Defense College has carried out continuous training programs and after several transformations it now represents a unique structure, which offers through its postgraduate programs, the continuous professional training of the civilian and military personnel with decision-making positions in public agencies and in other institutions of security and defense, public order and national security, as well as in civil society.
The tradition, the prestige and the dynamism of the National Defense College have created, in its 31 years of activity, the foundation of some deep debates related to security, but also to the new geopolitical and geostrategic realities of today.